Are you confused about all the talk about AI and ChatGPT and wondering what all of this actually is?

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What is AI?
AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, so basically computers. Over the last few years, computers were programmed to do certain tasks that were done by humans earlier.
What is ChatGPT
ChatGPT is one of many applications that use AI. In ChatGPT you prompt the computer with certain words, and you receive a beautifully written piece of content.
What does it have to do with SEO?
When ChatGPT became available to the public in 2022/23, many people believed that it would be the death of human-written content. Optimizing and writing valuable content is an integral part of a good SEO strategy.
Why does it matter?
If AI would take over and mass-produce perfect content with the click of a button, it would dramatically change what SEO means. All other SEO efforts would become less important and most of what we have been taught about SEO would change.
What does Google have to do about it?
Google is VERY clear about this: “Using automation—including AI—to generate content with the primary purpose of manipulating ranking in search results is a violation of our spam policies.”
What does that mean?
It means that Google will – even more than before- value high-quality, original content. If you use AI (like ChatGPT) for research and inspiration to produce valuable content, you are golden. Google’s spam filters will deal with the rest, and trust that Google is smarter than you.
Not too much, if anything at all, will change for you – and AI and ChatGPT will definitely not be the death of SEO. Continue to focus on quality and original content and if you feel fancy and are interested in technology, play around with ChatGPT. It is fun and actually quite impressive – but definitely has its limitations.
Do you still feel overwhelmed? I am here to help you untangle your SEO overwhelm!